
Biogard Asia’s project portfolio is diverse by geography, sectors and capabilities. We are proud of the projects we have safely and expertly delivered for our clients and are proud of our current roster of dynamic projects.  

Short Overview on our experience.

We build and develop the future environment for working, living and communication. We take on projects to find intelligent, new solutions to problems, large and small.

Years of Journey
International Projects
Local Projects

Project Highlight.

Animal Research and Service Centre (ARASC), Universiti Sains Malaysia

Lab Type: SPF, BSL2&ABSL3
Date of completion: Under Construction (90%)

Animal Research and Service Centre (ARASC), Universiti Sains Malaysia

Kelantan, Malaysia

Specialist lab consultant for the design and built Animal Research Center complete with SPF, ABSL2 and BSL3 ready to be certified according to WHO, CDC/NIH-BMBL guidelines.

Institut Pergigian Dan Perubatan Termaju (IPPT), Universiti Sains Malaysia

Penang, Malaysia

IPPT or Advance Medical & Dental Institute is a single-storey office and laboratory facility with the SPF, Transgenic & ABSL3 facility and its associated support space to meet specific guidelines such as WHO Lab Biosafety guidelines. Other building spaces include a vivarium, BSL2 and chemistry facilities for AAALAC accredited research vivarium for preclinical studies.

Institut Pergigian Dan Perubatan Termaju (IPPT), Universiti Sains Malaysia​

Lab Type: SPF & BSL3
Date of completion: 2012

Animal BSL3 Mobile Facility, Duke-NUS Medical School

Lab Type: Modular BSL3
Date of completion: 2015

Animal BSL3 Mobile Facility, Duke-NUS Medical School


The modular animal BSL-3 facility was completed in 2014 at the site formerly known as Sembawang Animal Husbandry and Hospital, 4.7-hectare (11.6 acres) site in Northern Singapore (“Farm”)

Poultry Vaccine Laboratory, PT Caprifarm Indo

Bandung, Indonesia

It is certified by HSA (Health Science Authority) Singapore Approval from various regulatory bodies such as PIC(s), TGA Australia, UK, MHRA, US FDA, etc. In addition, it has current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) Certificates issued by National Agency For Drug & Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI), WHO GMP and TGA Australia and Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation / Scheme (PIC's) compliant manufacturing facility.

Poultry Vaccine Laboratory, PT Caprifarm Indo

Lab Type: BSL2 with cGMP
Date of completion: May 2011

BSL3 Transgenic Plant Greenhouse, Universiti of Malaysia Sabah

Lab Type: BSL3, ABSL3 & BSL3 Transgenic
Date of completion: May 2014

BSL3, ABSL3 & BSL3 Transgenic Plant Greenhouse, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Sabah, Malaysia

Specialist consultant for designing multiple high containment laboratories within the IPB complex. A multi-storey complex of BSL3, A-BSL3 and a separate BSL3-P Transgenic Plant greenhouse and headhouse. The facility is designed as a containment facility to meet plant pathogenic containment level 3. The mechanical system will provide a combination of single‐pass, 100% outside & recirculating air conditioning, and filtration of the exhaust air. Headhouse includes plant preparation areas and an isolation lab within containment. The designer considered considerations for both biological safety and chemical safety in the design for using transgenic plant material and potential herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers that may be used in the research.

Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals (IPharm)

Penang, Malaysia

Specialist consultant for the Animal Research Facility has approximately 4000 square meters with animal holding rooms, SPF rodent breeding rooms, clean room (class 10,000), surgical room, procedure rooms, Animal Biosafety Level 2 (ABSL 2) laboratory, quarantine room and necropsy rooms. This facility houses equipment such as individually ventilated cages, rotarod testing system for rodents, grip strength testing system for rodents, high capacity steam sterilizers, rack and cage washer and animal drinking bottle station to support preclinical studies and SPF breeding activities.
IPharm is the first Malaysian institution to be awarded two international certifications, i.e. the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Good Laboratory Practice (OECD-GLP) and the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) in the Animal Care and Use Program

Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals (IPharm)

Lab Type: BSL2, ABSL2 & SPF
Date of completion: July 2012

Kompleks Makmal Lablink Sdn Bhd, KPJ Healthcare Group

Lab Type: Diagnostic BSL3
Date of completion: Feb, 2015

Kompleks Makmal Lablink Sdn Bhd, KPJ Healthcare Group

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1st of its kind private healthcare in Malaysia having high containment facility for TB diagnostics BSL-3. Provided design consultation for the high containment laboratory facility that includes the BSL3 TB Diagnostic and Culture laboratory.

Ministry of Industry & Primary Resources, BSL2, BSL3 & ABSL3 Postmortem Lab, Agriculture Research Lab


Specialist Biosafety Consultant for BSL2, BSL3 & ABSL3 Postmortem Lab for the Brunei Agri Lab Complex located at Kg Tungku Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

Ministry of Industry & Primary Resources, BSL2, BSL3 & ABSL3 Postmortem Lab, Agriculture Research Lab

Lab Type: BSL2, BSL3 & ABSL3
Date of completion: July 2012

Project List

No. Facility Lab Type Status Location
01. Meluha Capital Sdn Bhd BSL2 Lab Renovation Completed Malaysia
02. Deleum Chemicals Sdn Bhd Chemical Testing Lab Renovation Completed Malaysia
03. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian Animal Research Facility Under Construction Malaysia
04. Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Food Safety & Testing Lab Completed Malaysia
05. Sunway Medical Centre BSL2 & BSL3 Design Development Phase Malaysia
06. LABLINK, KPJ Health Phase 2 HISTO, CYTO, MICRO, Imaging Completed Malaysia
07. LABLINK, KPJ Health Phase 1 BSL2, BSL3 TB, PCR Lab Completed & Certified Malaysia
08. Institute of Medical Research (IMR), Kuala Lumpur Animal Facility (GLP) Completed Malaysia
09. IPHARM Penang, USM Malaysia Animal Facility (GLP) Bio-Pharmaceutical Completed Malaysia
10. IPHARM Penang, USM Malaysia Class 10K Clean Room Completed Malaysia
11. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia BSL3 Certified Malaysia
12. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia ABSL3 Certified Malaysia
13. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia BSL3P (Transgenic Plant) Certified Malaysia
14. Universiti Sains Malaysia (IPPT, Bertam), Malaysia ABSL3 Completed Malaysia
15. Science & Technology Research Institute of Defense (STRIDE), Malaysia BSL3 Completed & Certified Malaysia
16. Science & Technology Research Institute of Defence (STRIDE), Malaysia ASL3 Completed Malaysia
17. Science & Technology Research Institute of Defence (STRIDE), Malaysia NPC Lab Completed Malaysia
18. Science & Technology Research Institute of Defence (STRIDE), Malaysia Class 10K Clean Room-Microbe Lab Completed Malaysia
19. KPJ Bandar Maharani Specialist Hospital IAQ System Validation & Certification (OT Room 1, OT Room 2) Completed Malaysia
20. B. Braun Malaysia Class 10K Clean Room for QA & QC Validation Lab Completed Malaysia
21. KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital IAQ Evaluation for Ward, ICU, OT, Isolation Room, Nursery Completed Malaysia
22. National Isolation Center, MOH Brunei BSL3 TB & Molecular Virology Under Construction Brunei
23. Industri Teknologi Tinggi (ITT), Brunei Plant Pest Lab, Soil Chemistry Lab, Public Health Lab, BSL3 & ABSL3 Lab Developmental Phase , Tendering Brunei
24. PT Caprifarmindo Laboratories (SAMBE Farma), Indonesia (GMP) BSL3 (Inoculation & Harvesting) Completed & Certified Indonesia
25. PT Caprifarmindo Laboratories (SAMBE Farma), Indonesia (GMP) ABSL3 (Safety & Potency) Completed & Certified Indonesia
26. Department of Military Research (DMR), Myanmar BSL3 – On Demand Completed Myanmar
27. Duke NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore Mobile Modular Lab, BSL3 Certified Singapore
28. United Nations Office for Project Services, Myanmar (Project 1) BSL3 TB Lab Certified Myanmar
29. United Nations Office for Project Services, Myanmar (Project 2) BSL3 TB Lab Certified Myanmar
30. United Nations Office for Project Services, Myanmar (Project 3) BSL3 TB Lab Certified Myanmar
31. MP Biomedicals Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd Lab BMS System for Pharmaceutical Plant Completed Singapore
32. GMP Manufacturing Cleanroom Lab for Auxi Therapeutics Cleanroom Class B Physical Completed Malaysia

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